Event Review
(免費網上課程,2017年10月9日開始) 照顧思覺失調患者
- 精神分裂及思覺失調的分別
- 如果理解甚麼是思覺失調及其主要病徵(如幻聽)
- 服用大麻與思覺失調的關係
- 思覺失調會否影響身理健康
- 藥物如何幫助思覺失調及它們的效果如何?
- 思覺失調患者的兄弟姊妹會受到甚麼影響?
- 思覺失調如何影響照顧者的健康及他們與患者之間的關係?
1. 認識思覺失調病人,例如是你的家人或朋友;你可能正在照顧他們
2. 精神健康的專業人士,或在相關機構工作
3. 對精神健康有興趣的公眾人士
(FREE online course. It starts on 9th October 20) Caring for People with Psychosis and Schizophrenia
The course is open and free to anyone in the world be part of. It is a four week course designed to offer an in-depth understanding of some of the key issues and questions relevant to carers supporting people with psychotic disorders, including:
- Why is schizophrenia commonly described as psychosis?
- How can we best understand psychosis and its key symptoms such as hearing voices?
- What are the links between cannabis use and developing psychosis?
- Can psychosis affect physical health?
- How do medications work and what effects can they have?
- In what ways are siblings of people with psychosis affected?
- How can psychosis affect a carer’s health and their relationships?
The course includes a mixture of activities such as talking head videos, quizzes, written texts and opportunities for moderated discussions between learners. It will be the first time a course like this has been developed for carers.
The course includes people with lived experience of caring and a number of leading national and international academics and clinicians from psycholog
- Professor Elizabeth Kuipers (Chair of the NICE Guidelines for Psychosis and Schizophrenia)
- Professor Mike Slade (100 ways to support recovery)
- Professor Sir Robin Murray (Chair of the Schizophrenia Commission)
- Professor David Taylor (Author of the Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines)
The course is free and open to anyone with an interest in psychosis and caregiving issues. We designed the course with carers in mind. However, it would also be relevant for any student or professional working in a health setting with psychosis and carers. No previous knowledge of psychosis or experience of caring is required to take the course.
The course is based on approximately 3 to 4 hours per week study. The point of the course is that you can study how you like, in your own time. It is about flexible learning, in a style that best suits you e.g. if you want to do five minutes, you can do that, if you want to study for more, you can do that too.
The course starts 9th October 2017. Enrolment is open from now.
All one needs to do to sign up is simply follow the link below
People can sign up to the course on http://www.futurelearn.com
I Wonder 無限想音樂・劇
三個改編真人故事,帶領大家走進未知與好奇的旅程,用音樂匙打開他們的復元故事,I Wonder…
日期: 2017年4月1 日 (星期六)
時間: 晚上7時30分至10時 (展覽6時開始)
地點: 柴灣青年廣場2樓Y劇場 Y-Studio
語言: 廣東話
慈善票價: $100 / $60 (全日制學生/浸信會及友會會員)
購票查詢: 3413-1649 (雲小姐)
網上優先訂票: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FvdVwu1Bknkjhm_DZAlvdrkaEes8AkPUrf1yY_Ld0jc
支票:請以劃線支票抬頭「浸信會愛羣社會服務處」,寄交到灣仔愛群道36號8樓,並於信封面註明「I Wonder音樂˙劇」,支票背頁寫上姓名。
o 灣仔愛群道36號8樓
o 筲箕灣利嘉中心11樓
o 青衣長亨邨亨緻樓地下
全港精神康復者家屬會議2016 - 問卷調查及工作坊邀請
(FREE online course) Caring for People with Psychosis and Schizophrenia
This two-week course will explore some of the key issues and questions relevant to a carer who is supporting a relative with psychosis such as:
- Why is schizophrenia described as psychosis?
- How can we best understand psychosis and its key symptoms such as hearing voices?
- What are the links between cannabis use and developing psychosis?
- Can psychosis affect physical health?
- How do medications in psychosis work and what effects can they have?
- In what ways are siblings of people with psychosis affected?
- How can psychosis affect a carer’s health and their relationships?
This free online course will provide opportunities to share your views and experiences with carers from around the world.
This course is open to anyone with an interest in psychosis and caregiving issues.
You may be interested in taking the course because:
- you know someone with psychosis, perhaps your child, partner, sibling, parent or friend and are providing support
- you are a professional working in a service or other mental healthcare organisation, with an interest in psychosis and families
- you have an interest in mental health problems.
No previous knowledge of psychosis or experience of caring is required to take the course although some medical terminology is used. There are optional, additional materials for those who want to explore the topics discussed beyond the core material, some of which are academic papers.
For application and more details, please go to the following website:
第十屆「旭茉JESSICA RUN」x 思覺基金
第十屆「旭茉JESSICA RUN」將於4月3日舉行!希望透過這個慈善跑活動,一家大細既可享嘉年華的愉快時光,亦可為思覺基金、保護遺棄動物協會﹝SAA﹞及其他慈善機構籌款,從而幫助社會上有需要之人士。網上報名經已正式開始! 名額有限,一起來支持這個慈善跑活動吧!
截止報名日期: 2016年3月20日﹝星期日﹞
第十屆「旭茉JESSICA RUN」活動詳情:
Public Talk on Psychosis (In Cantonese)
A psychiatrist will illustrate the symptoms of psychosis and uses of antipsychotic medication. Besides, a registered social worker will discuss with the patients different caregiving skills in various scenarioes getting on with the patients.
Public Talk on Psychosis (In Cantonese)
A psychiatrist will illustrate the impact of psychosis on daily functioning. Furthermore, a registered social worker will introduce different ways of vocational training and skill training to equip the patients in recovery to live an independent life.
Public Talk on Psychosis (In Cantonese)
The talk will focus on communication between caregivers and patients with psychosis.