Occupational Training

Service target groups
Persons with disabilities who are aged 15 and above and possess basic self-care and work ability. 

Service Description
To provide persons with disabilities who are unable to enter open employment with appropriate vocational training and activities meeting their developmental and social needs. It aims to enhance their working capacity which can earn training allowance in order to move on to supported or open employment. 

Referral Methods
Referrals/applications can be made by school social workers, medical social workers, family caseworkers and staff of rehabilitation service units to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services, Social Welfare Department. 

Please contact the service units or the Rehabilitation and Medical Social Services Branch of the Social Welfare Department at 2892 5561 or 2892 5135. 

Further information and list of sheltered workshop

Service target groups
Persons aged 15 or above with moderate disablement with: 

  • Working abilities lying between sheltered workshop and open employment without support, i.e. moderate grade intellectual disability/ mild grade intellectual disability coupled with other disabilities. 
  • Good working abilities but are unable to adjust to the competitive open job market in the absence of support, i.e. those persons with severe physical, sensory, visceral or psychiatric disabilities. 

Service description 
Provide job analysis to arrange a job placement, or relevant allowance generating work skills training. Provide additional support services including on-the-job coaching and supervision, job-related guidance and advice to the trainees, their family members and the employers. 

Application/ Referral Methods 
Applicants can approach the operating agencies directly or referral can be made to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services, Social Welfare Department. 

Please contact the operating agencies or the Rehabilitation and Medical Social Services Branch of the Social Welfare Department at 2892 5156 or 2892 5147. 

Further information, and list of operating agencies

Service target groups 
Persons with disabilities who are aged 15, or above in need of vocational training or support to take up employment. 

Service Description
Vocational skills training comprises centre-based training such as simple processing, assembling and packaging, desk-top publishing and laundry service, and outdoor work training such as car-washing, office cleaning, delivery services, retailing and leaflet distribution. Support services on job finding and matching, job trials, allowance generating working training and any other additional retraining are available. 

Application procedure/ Referral methods
Applicants or referrers can contact service unit for a direct application. Referrals can also be made by school social workers, medical social workers, family caseworkers and staff of rehabilitation service units to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services, Social Welfare Department. 

Further information and list of IVRS Centre 

Service target groups 
SW/IVRSC trainees aged 40 or above (trainees aged 60 or above would be accepted for the programme with no requirement of assessment; for those aged 40-59, occupational therapist/ physiotherapist's assessment is required); and
in need of day care services other than vocational training due to old age or deterioration in work ability.

Service Description 
This programme aims to meet the service needs of the existing trainees of SW/IVRSC who could no longer perform normal work tasks due to old age or deterioration in work abilities. The services include work activities for sustaining residual work abilities, social and developmental programmes and caring activities for meeting the health and physical needs of trainees. 

Application procedure 
Admission is directly arranged by centres providing WEP. 

Further information and list of SW/IVRSC operating WEP 